
Our stakeholders include academia, site licence companies and their supply chains, government and associated bodies, policy makers and regulators, and the public.

The research and associated activities of the consortium are expected to have significant impact in a number of spheres concerning our stakeholders:

Knowledge, through the generation of increased understanding and knowledge of underlying basic science and engineering, and the creation of novel technologies and techniques to help address challenges in the management of nuclear waste, hence leading to long term economic, social, environmental, safety, health and security benefits;

People, through the training and development of scientists and engineers with the requisite skills, knowledge and expertise to support the nuclear sector, thereby addressing the current and forecasted skills shortage due to the age and retirement profile within the industry;

Economy, through the exploitation of research results leading to reductions in the costs of nuclear decommissioning and geological disposal, and the strengthening of the competitiveness of the UK civil nuclear sector, and ultimately in job creation though commercialisation of technology; and

Society, by informing national energy, environmental and industrial policies, regulatory regimes, and the public, and through its contribution to the delivery of a low cost, clean and secure energy supply.

To maximise TRANSCEND’s impact a large programme of planned and ad-hoc activities will take place throughout the project in five areas:

  • Relationships and Networks
  • Communication and Dissemination
  • Public, Media and Government Engagement
  • Training and Development
  • Knowledge Transfer and Commercialisation

Events and news related to our impact activities may be found in the relevant sections of the website.